Do you want some statistics? Here are some.
People love to crunch numbers and ponder statistics. For many, this helps make the subject more clear. On average, a garage door will last about 30 years. If you have torsion springs, they tend to last about 20,000 cycles. If you have the older extension springs, you can cut that figure in half. Garage door springs have a life cycle but unlike other parts, it is not counted in years but in actual cycles of use. A cycle equals one opening and one closing. With regular, daily use, a garage door opener should last between 10 and 15 years. Remember; these numbers are only estimates. With a little bit of maintenance and effort you can extend these figures quite a bit.
A little maintenance goes a long way
Don’t let the word maintenance scare you! We are not talking about a lot of it. Bear in mind that lack of maintenance not only contributes to lower life cycles for your garage door and its parts but it also makes it look worn and shoddy. Let’s say that your springs have not been maintained and one of them has snapped. Your home’s garage door will look slightly tilted and off balance from the street. The same goes for chipped paint or a missing garage door panel. As seen from the street, this can make your property look undervalued and it gives the impression that you have let other parts of the home fall into slow decay too. This can lower your property values and result in a fine from your homeowner’s association. If your home happens to be for sale, a poorly maintained look will result in lower offers or even none at all! Buyers will assume that if the garage door is not maintained, neither is the rest of the house and they’ll either pass altogether on the sale or offer a lower amount as they will need some of their money to bring the house up to a better standard.
Garage doors are tough, aren’t they?
It’s so easy to assume that your home’s garage door is hardy and needs no maintenance. Some people think that since their doors were made of wood or metal, that they were impervious to heat, weather, moisture and accidents. This is simply not true. Start viewing your garage door as an appliance that needs periodic service in order to keep it functioning at peak level.
Keep your garage door clean
You clean your other appliances, so why not clean this one? You may not keep food in it (like your refrigerator or oven) but you do use it several times a week and it is quite visible from the front of your home. In fact, garage doors are one of the most noticed aspects of a residence as seen from the street or sidewalk.
Clean your sensors
Spiders love safety sensors – they build their webs on them all the time! Over time, the accumulation of webs, dead bugs, twigs, leaves and dirt can block the sensor beam and keep it from interacting with your opener system. Here in Douglasville, we have a high concentration of black widow spiders and you really don’t want them getting into you home as they are highly poisonous. Wipe your sensors clean with a dry cloth and keep your sensor lenses grime free and unscratched.
Apply lubrication
Just like your car, your garage door needs lubrication at times. Use a light spray lubricant and apply every few months for maximum benefit. Be sure to spray lightly – you don’t want another mess to clean up!
Make your rounds!
Be sure and do an overall inspection of your garage door ensemble every now and then. Be on the lookout for any missing parts or frayed wires. Notice if any hinges are loose or bolts are missing. If you see a loose handle or snapped cable, take note of it and if you can fix it yourself, do so. You don’t have to be fanatical about this; just a once over every month or so should do the trick.
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